KPI Dashboards
Track Profit and Loss By job and company.
Check your business analytics at the click of a button!
How is your sales team is performing?
Which employee is bringing in the most revenue?
Track active service agreements, and so much more!
Divide your company up into different revenue stream (classes) and get accurate data.

Advanced Schedule
Now, scheduling has never been easier, thanks to Infiniserv!
Take the guesswork out of scheduling, and have all the needed information in front of you while taking customer calls.
Our interactive schedule will make recommendations to your dispatchers based on skill and location to speed up the process and reduce time spent on the phone.
Click and drag feature
Priority to type of calls

Most advanced estimating software out there.
Estimate in a flash with InfiniServ's speedy click-and-insert estimating function!
Customize your Products and Services book however you want!
Send off professionally formatted Estimates as soon as you are finished.
Edit the pricing in your price book fast to stay up to date with price changes.
Send multiple options to your customers
see the last time customers view your estimates

Invoicing has not always been the most straightforward process, especially when using one of our competitors, but now it will always be a breeze!
Create percentage-based invoices from estimates or add additional billable items as jobs progress.
Get a clear and accurate picture of outstanding balances at any given time.
See aging reports by whole company or per department.

Payment Processing
Take payments from ANYWHERE!
Once your invoice is sent, customers will have the option to make a payment online thanks to our partners at Gravity Payments!

Timesheet Tracking
Are you worried that your jobs aren't starting on time? Not anymore!
Our time sheets will categorize per QuickBooks class and tell you cost per tech on each job.
See which appointments your teams are at on our Map page!

Custom Forms
Do you have specific questions to ask when scheduling a visit or onboarding a customer? No problem!
With our Custom Forms, add any questions you need and have them show up wherever necessary: planning a visit, signing up a service agreement, onboarding a new customer, and more!
Keep track of all responses neatly organized on a customers profile
Refer to past responses to ensure you're working with the most accurate information!

Permit Tracking
See the status of any and every permit you have at the moment!
Track when permits have been approved, paid, inspected, and cleared!
Take the guesswork out of the permitting process! Have the start date, end date, and the scope of work all in one place!
links to town website for easy town look up.

Service Agreement Tracking
Sick of tracking service agreements on a spreadsheet?
InfiniServ tracks all your active service agreements in one place.
Check what type of agreement a customer, get notified when it's about to expire, and get all of the expected service dates all at once!

Never forget a warranty type again!
With tags, create any number of categories for customers and display them right at the top of their profile!
Use them for warranty types, mark them for outstanding balances, or remember who is a part of rebate programs

Customer Email Notifications
Notify customers of estimates, invoices, appointments and more with the click of a button!

Job Tracking
Track gross profit, manage site visits, and invoice all in one place!
From an estimate, create a job where you can: track site visits, hours worked, add additional billable items, track both overdue and in-progress invoices, and more!